Everything Has Changed Gift Box
Grief changes everything. The little moments that they aren't there for anymore, the moments that they didn't get to have...both. There are moments that still bring joy, but they also bring heartbreak. There is no normal. This is hard.
A box that says I see that you are grieving, even in the quite moments, the little moments, forever changed.
-Little moments necklace (gold) (Bryan Anthony)
-Lavender and Jasmin mini candle
-'You but different' A5 print
-'Words of truth in times of grief' validation cards
Knowing how we can help others is hard
Sending a bath soap just doesn’t cut it when they are ugly crying all day, and there are so many unknowns. Nothing we say will make it any better, so we've tried to curate a place with some things for that part of the process.
Part shop, part library, part community.